What Is A Notary In Spain?

Basically, a notary is an independent professional person (qualified under Spanish law) that “certifies” private agreements in accordance with Spanish law.

You cannot legally buy a property in Javea or sell a property without the documentation going through a notary.

Once an agreement is made between the buyer and seller, all transactions can only be legalised by using the notary in your town and then the “Registrar” which completes the legal process. DO NOT listen to anyone that tells you otherwise, there are NO short cuts, NO quick fixes and it’s for your security that you follow the law 100% – even though you may you think it will be OK because you’re in Spain, and its all laid back… it ISN’T.

The local notary in Javea used and recommended by us and many of our clients is: www.notariajaveamillet.es

Land Registry & The Registrar

The second step to this step is where the registrar comes in.

The land registry is the definitive step where your house or commercial premises are inscribed in the land registry of Spain. From here town halls gather information on boundaries, descriptions of properties and it is possible for people to obtain extracts of the proposed property that you maybe considering buying as it gives a general overview as well as any charges that are levied on the property such as unpaid town hall taxes. These checks will normally be done by your lawyer or a gestor.

The purchase sale transaction is only finalised when its been inscribed into the land registry following the notaries’ certification of the commercial transaction.

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