Spanish PM Seeks to Extend the Lockdown, At Least Until May 9th 2020

Javea Residents Still In Lockdown For At Least 3 Weeks More

Spanish PM seeks to extend the state of alarm due to Coronavirus, until May 9th but will allow children to leave home for controlled periods from April 27th according to El Pais Addressing the Spanish nation on television on Saturday evening, PM Pedro Sánchez declares there will be a careful and progressive deescalation of quarantine measures from Monday, May 11th. Among the modifications to the present conditions announced by the prime minister were possibilities for children to go out for short periods under controlled conditions starting on April 27th. He also wants to seek approval from Congress to prolong the state of alarm – which was first implemented on March 14th to May 9th.




Children are now allowed out for short periods

Sánchez warned that at present, it is not feasible to relax the confinement measures and begin the deescalation phase, and as such, the government would seek to extend the state of alarm – which grants the government special powers – until May 9th. He said the government would be following a series of markers that will warn them of the level of the spread of the coronavirus, and of the predicament of local health systems, so they know how the pandemic is progressing region by region.” According to these parameters, he added, the deescalation proposals will continue, but if risks are identified in any region, they will be halted for that area. He congratulated the Spanish people on sticking to the countries strict lockdown limitations and declared while Spaniards had completed “the most difficult part.” The achievements were “still insufficient.” Sánchez went on to mention six steps suggested by the World Health Organization for the restoration to normalcy: a controlled transition identifying those that are infected with COVID-19, tests for people who could be infected and identifying their contacts; stringent controls for areas of high risks, such as hospitals and care homes, along with preventive measures in workplaces, schools and universities. When the state of alarm finally ends, the general public must continue to follow strict hygiene rules and observe social distancing.

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