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What’s an NIE Number?

Any non-resident wishing to make any major purchase (property/land/vehicle/boat) or open a bank account will need to apply for a NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero). This is a form of identification that will allow people to make these purchases, but identifies them as being a fiscal resident rather than a national. This has permutations for those starting businesses or others who need to pay tax at a different rate.

The NIE is utterly mandatory for anyone conducting such transactions, but the good news is that ValuVillas can arrange this for their clients all within a single day. The NIE alone is available for a fee of €85, and the registration of this number with the Spanish tax authorities (Hacienda) for a further €50.




The good news is that you do not even actually need to be in Spain for us to arrange all this for you in advance, merely inform us when you will be arriving and we shall set an appointment for you. In order to do this all we need is a photocopy of your passport.

Upon the time of your appointment, all you will need to bring is the original passport and a set of standard ID quality photographs. To assist with any queries we shall arrange one of our sales representatives to meet you there, translate and guide you through the process. The NIE number itself is assigned to you once the formalities are all completed, and is from that moment yours to use. Our representative will collect the documents once they are drawn up (this process can take a few days) and will drop them at our office for you to collect at your convenience.

Our representative will use the formal documentation to then register you with the Hacienda on your behalf.

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