Buying Property In Spain – The Nota Simple Informativa

Once you have found a Javea property you want to buy, (or indeed a property in any town in Spain, as the process is the same) the next step is to visit the Property Registry Office or Registro de la Propiedad. In Javea, this is located in the Calle Historiador Chabás, 6.

You will need to ask the registry personnel for a Nota Simple Informativa, which translated to English, means “Simple Informative Note”.

This is to ensure that the property you wish to purchase is free of debt. In Spain, if the current owner of the property owes money associated with the property such as unpaid town hall taxes, community maintenance fees or the like, as a buyer you would also be buying these debts. Therefore it is very important you obtain the nota simple informativa to prevent any nasty surprises arising at a later date.

This document will also prove the property actually belongs to the person who is selling it to you, and that it is not misrepresented – for example the size of the property has been described to you correctly, and you are not paying for less grounds than described.

You may have to wait a day or two and return to collect the paper, and the cost is around 3.5 euros.

However, when buying property in Javea and using ValuVillas as your agent, this job and other similar important tasks will be performed by us on your behalf to make sure the buying process is completely smooth and hassle-free for you as our client.

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